Low Semen Volume

Low Semen Production (Hypospermia)

Low semen volume is a condition in which a less than normal amount of semen is produced in 
each ejaculation. Because there is an inadequate amount of fluid to bring the sperm in contact with the cervix, this condition can cause fertility problems. Occasional low semen production may be normal. However, if volume is consistently low, and if you and your partner are experiencing fertility problems, there are treatments that may be helpful in correcting the problem.

Normal semen volume is described as 1 to 5.6 milliliters (mL) per ejaculation. 

Abnormally low (less than 1 ml) or high (more than 5.6 ml) semen volumes can cause Male fertility problems. 

Note: High semen volume (hyperspermia) can also cause fertility problems because the sperm is diluted with excess seminal fluid. 

What Causes Low Semen Volume?

There are several different reasons why a man suffers from low semen volume.  Most of these reasons do not have serious medical consequences, but can be detrimental to their relationships and sex lives. 

Many men believe that a diminishing volume of semen is just another sign of getting older.  However, in reality, they do not have to suffer the negative consequences of low semen volume. Instead, by seeking effective treatments, men can boost the amount of semen that they ejaculate and produce.